"The Host" is the fifth episode in the first season of Ash vs Evil Dead, and the fifth episode overall in the series. It was written by Zoe Green and directed by David Frazee. It premiered on STARZ on November 28, 2015.
Plot Synopsis[]
Ash Williams finds himself bound and gagged, helplessly watching as Kelly (possessed by the demon Eligos) tells Pablo and El Brujo that Ash is the one possessed, and that is why he attacked her. Brujo guesses that Ash's "vision quest" had caused the dormant demon within Williams to pop-up and attack Kelly, and that they must perform an exorcism.
As Brujo gathers the material for the exorcism, Pablo returns to Ash's trailer, where Kelly is already inside. Pablo is frantic and upset to learn that Ash has been possessed this entire time, and that Brujo does not want him to be part of the exorcism ceremony. Kelly tells him he needs to stay calm, and suggests that they drink to pass the time. While Kelly doesn't find any alcohol, she comes across a bag of weed, and tells Pablo to go find something they can use as a pipe.
Meanwhile, a crimson Dodge Challenger comes to a screeching halt at an intersection. Inside the car, Amanda Fisher and Ruby Knowby wait as Ash's severed hand tries to sense the direction in which it's owner is. Amanda begins to grow impatient, asking Ruby how possession works and how exactly does Ash create the Deadites, though Ruby tells her there's no real logic to these things, and that she needs to keep breathing and focus on their mission. The hand begins to stir, and points to the left. The Challenger then speeds off down the road in that direction.
Back inside the trailer, Pablo steps inside to find Kelly using Ash's shotgun as a pipe to smoke from, telling him she got tired of waiting. She then offers Pablo a hit, but he is reluctant, claiming that weed makes him paranoid, though Kelly says that she'll make it worth it. Believing that Kelly is coming onto him, Pablo nervously tells her that he's been wanting to get closer to her, wanting to be more than friends. Kelly responds that she'd like for them to more than friends, too...
In Brujo's garage, El Brujo is interrogating "Eligos" , jingling charms and talismans around Ash's head, though it has no effect. Surprised by this, Brujo says that he's moving on to the blood ritual...
Meanwhile, Kelly gets more flirtatious and offers Pablo the shotgun full of weed. While Pablo is regaling the tale of the first day they met, Kelly grabs a hidden shotgun shell from out of her boot and hides it in her hand, loading it into the barrel while Pablo is distracted. After Pablo continues to talk, Kelly grows tired of waiting, and reveals that she is possessed by flashing her fangs and solid black eyes. At that moment in the barn, Ash manages to get the gag out of his mouth and tell Brujo that Kelly is the one who is possessed, followed by the sound of a shotgun blast. Ash and Brujo rush into the trailer to see that Pablo has the shotgun in his hands, aiming it at the demonic Kelly running around. While Pablo is conflicted over if he should shoot Kelly (as Ash tells him to do), Brujo rushes her and manages to subdue her.
With Kelly now bound inside the Brujo's garage, El Brujo begins the various exorcism rituals that he was originally going to perform on Ash, though they seem to have no effect on Kelly/Eligos. After many failed attempts, Pablo marches out of the garage, upset that walled away from his calling and that he allowed Ash to summon Eligos in the first place. Brujo apologies for pushing Pablo away from him in the first place, but is glad that he was able to find Ash. The two then debate on whether or not they should kill Kelly, but Pablo suggest that he offer himself to be a new host for Eligos to spare Kelly. He barges back into the garage and tells Eligos to take him, to which Eligos seems to agree, and begins to climb out of Kelly's body. With Eligos loose, the demon attacks El Brujo, sending him flying across the garage with his telekinetic powers and impales him on a rusted piece of farming equipment. Realizing that Eligos seems to know exactly where he's aiming, Ash devises the plan to "shoot first, think never" by throwing his shotgun in the air, distracting the demon with his chainsaw, then catching the gun and firing. The plan works, and Eligos materializes directly at the end of Ash's Boomstick, blowing up into a pile of turquoise goo. Ash runs over to Kelly's aid as she comes out of her trance, asking what happened to her.
Some time later, Ash puts the finishing touches on Brujo's funeral pyre, while Pablo lights the match that sets the wood and body ablaze. After Pablo says his final goodbyes to his uncle, Brujo's necklace bearing the image of Santa Muerte seems to fall off his body and onto the ground, prompting Pablo to pick it up and thank him for one last gift. As Pablo walks to the car to join Ash and Kelly, the totems and idols around the Brujo's property begin to burst into flame, having served their purpose in protecting the land.
Inside the trailer, Ash apologies to both Kelly and Pablo for getting them into all this, and that he still doesn't exactly know how to stop the evil he unleashed. Pablo then presents Ash with a new robotic hand made out of video game accessories, which Ash seems extremely grateful for, telling Pablo and Kelly he's going "stick this right up some Deadite's ass." The three fist bump, and head out onto the open road again...
Starring |
Guest starring
- Down By The Water - PJ Harvey (To Bring You My Love; 1995) (heard during Ruby and Amanda's conversation inside the car)
- Is It My Body - Alice Cooper (Love It To Death; 1971) (heard during Kelly's smoking scene)
- Stranglehold - Ted Nugent (Ted Nugent; 1975) (heard during end credits)
- References to other Ash vs Evil Dead episodes:
- Ash mentions having just taped up the trailer, which is a call-back to one of his lines from the episode Bait: "... but I gotta duct tape some big-ass bullet holes before I roll."
- First episode in the series to not feature a Deadite.