Father Hugo Cortez is one of three humans, along with Father Marcus Littleton and Canon Damian Shanhan, who studied and translated the Naturom Demonto in the 1920s and awoke the Kandarian Demon.
In the 1920s, Father Marcus Littleton was in the possession of a volume of Naturom Demonto and sought the approval to translate it. After being rejected by the church, Littleton sought out Father Cortez and Canon Damian Shanhan to study and translate the book in secret. After translating a spiritual resurrection passage, Littleton made a recording of himself reading aloud the incantation on a vinyl record for archival purposes. The incantation awoke an entity known as the Kandarian Demon, which attacked and turned Father Cortez into a Deadite. Canon Shanhan and several other priests were soon possessed as well, leaving Littleton to fight them.
Once he had defeated the Deadites, Littleton took the book and hid it within a secret vault alongside other various religious objects within a Los Angeles bank.