Beep Beep is a two and a half minute short film released on October 18th, 2016 to promote the then-currently airing second season of the Ash vs Evil Dead television series. The short features Ted Raimi in a cameo role as Chet Kaminski.
Plot Synopsis[]
At the busy Elk Lounge Bar, Chet Kaminski is forced to kick a drunk man out for the night. As the drunk stumbles out into the streets of Elk Grove, he fumbles for his car keys and tries to unlock a nearby police cruiser door, but realizes it's not his vehicle. He then proceeds to hit the electric horn button on his keys, only for a distant "beep beep" to indicate the car is further down the street. As he stumbles down the road, a feminine voice in the shadow of a narrow alley quietly calls to him with a "beep beep", getting his attention. The man gets irritated as he spots the woman, thinking she's laughing at his drunken behavior, and follows her deeper into the alley. Thinking she may be a prostitute, he asks her if she "wants to party." The smile quickly disappears from his face as she responds with "beep beep" in a deep, demonic voice, completely twisting her head around without moving her body, revealing that she is a Deadite.
- This short was released exclusively online on the official Ash vs Evil Dead Twitter account, and as of 2023, has not been included on any physical home media release of Ash vs Evil Dead.
- No credits for this short have been released.
- The exact chronological placement within the timeline of Ash vs Evil Dead is unknown, though it presumably takes place sometime prior to the Season Two episode Last Call.