A resident of a reality where his fateful trip to the cabin didn't occur until the early 2000s, this version of Ash Williams seemed to have very little Deadite activity in his life following his return from 1300 AD.
This Ash appeared in the "Weekend Off", "Till Death Do Us Part", and "Necronomicon" short stories featured in the 2006 one-shot anthology comic Tales of Army of Darkness.
This Ash has a similar history to his film/TV counterpart, with the only major change being that his trip to the cabin was in the early 21st Century.
Following his return to his proper time from the Middle Ages, Ash got a weekend off from S-Mart, and visited the grave of his ex-girlfriend Linda.
Another post-cabin event of note was Ash's brief relationship with a woman named Emily, whom Ash met while assisting her with finding a chainsaw in S-Mart. Ash kept his past run-ins with evil a secret from Emily out of fear from scaring her off. After only a few weeks into their relationship, Ash broke up with Emily following a nightmare in which he was forced to kill a Deadite-possessed Emily on their wedding day.
One Thanksgiving, Ash was invited by his father and mother to come over to their house for dinner. Upon his arrival, Ash discovered his mother had gotten her hands on a copy of the Necronomicon Ex-Mortis, which resulted in her transformation into a Deadite. Ash quickly putdown his undead mother using the Kandarian Dagger, which she had also acquired.
- In all three short stories in which he appeared, this version of Ash was never seen using his signature Boomstick and Chainsaw to fight against the Deadites.
- In the "Necronomicon" story, Ash's sister Cheryl is directly mentioned by named and is stated to be deceased, implying the events of the original Evil Dead happened to this version of Ash.