Evil Dead Wiki
Evil Dead Wiki

Evil is about to have a really bad day.
~ Ash Williams

Ashley Joanna "Ash" Williams is a former ValueStop employee who, on several occasions, battled and defeated the forces of evil. He later traveled with Pablo Simon Bolivar and Kelly Maxwell on a mission to stop the forces of evil once and for all. At some point, Ash was accidentally summoned by Professor Raymond Knowby to help stop an army of Deadites and prevent the return of The Dark Ones.

This version of Ash is exclusive to the 2022 video game Evil Dead: The Game, based on the version of the character seen in the Ash vs Evil Dead television series. He was voiced by Bruce Campbell.


Skill Name Image In-Game Description Notes
Show Up and Blow Up EvilDeadTheGame2022-AvEDAsh1 Active ability that generates an explosion, damaging enemies' balance bar.
  • Unlocks at Prestige Level 5.
El Jefe EvilDeadTheGame2022-AvEDAsh3 An aura affects all survivors within range, increasing their fear resistance and the damage they inflict.
  • Unlocks at Prestige Level 1.
Old Friend EvilDeadTheGame2022-AvEDAsh2 Start the match with the chainsaw.
  • Unlocks at Prestige Level 10.
El Jefe Grande EvilDeadTheGame2022-AvEDAsh4 Enhances your aura's effects when you perform a finisher or dismember an enemy.
  • Unlocks at Prestige Level 25.

Outfit Gallery[]

"Default" Outfit[]

"Funeral Attire"[]

"Party Animal"[]

"Ashy Slashy"[]

Miscellaneous Gallery[]

Character Icons[]

Outfit Preview Artwork[]



  • Ash's Unique Screamer could be unlocked by upgrading Ash to Prestige Level 3.


  • Ash's "Funeral Attire" outfit originates from the Ash vs Evil Dead Season Three episode Apparently Dead.
    • The "Funeral Attire" outfit can be unlocked by playing the "Party Down!" single-player mission.
  • Ash's "Party Animal" outfit originates from the Ash vs Evil Dead Season Two episode Home.
    • While closely resembling the live-action counterpart's costume seen in Home, the outfit in the game changed the design pattern of the Hawaiian shirt from various alcoholic beverages and cigars to musical instruments and dominoes.
    • The "Party Animal" outfit was included as part of the Immortal Power DLC released on February 2nd, 2023.
  • Ash's "Ashy Slashy" outfit originates from the Ash vs Evil Dead Season Two episode Ashy Slashy.
    • The "Ashy Slashy" outfit was included as part of the Who’s Your Daddy DLC released on April 26th, 2023.